3 Case studies This section presents the case study Although one case study was data. It illustrates various reasons for conducted without the wheelchair needing short-term wheelchair loan user, demographic data was and the impact of this service on both collected for all wheelchair users. the wheelchair user and their family They comprised seven females and carers. and two males. The age range of The case studies are presented participants was six to 93 years individually and include statements old, with an even distribution of age 15 from HCPs, where relevant, to groups. support the position and perception Seven of the nine wheelchair of the wheelchair user. They also users reported themselves as include an economic evaluation White British; one as White or for each case study, documenting Black Caribbean; and one as savings across health and social care, Pakistani ethnicity. Three of the nine and personal savings, where relevant. service users in the case studies The section concludes with a were registered disabled. Their summary of key findings, which occupational status also varied highlights common themes across and included retired, in education, the case studies and HCP interviews. employed and unemployed. Nine case studies and three HCP interviews were conducted for this 15 16–24 n=2; 25–34 n=1; 35–44 n=1; 45–54 n=2; research. 65–70 n=1; the oldest two respondents were aged 89 and 93. 11

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