If Ron and his family had not been able to Ronald, use the Red Cross wheelchair, he would have missed out on the final South Yorkshire NVA 70th Anniversary commemorations in France and Armistice commemorations in London. Being able to participate boosted Ron’s emotional state th Ronald (Ron) is a 93-year-old of walking involved in the 70 and reduced his level of World War Two veteran. He lives in Anniversary Normandy celebrations, isolation during recovery. sheltered housing and receives daily but it was unthinkable that he would When he was hospitalised support visits from his daughter, not attend as the NVA was being before the November Pam, and son, David, as he is very disbanded at the end of 2014. This frail. In the early 1980s he became was the last opportunity for Ron to commemorations in active in the Normandy Veterans visit the beaches and cemeteries London, knowing that Association (NVA), organising and of Normandy and to remember his he might be able to attending several trips to Normandy, fallen comrades. After the summer attend with the aid of the th th th including the 40 , 50 and 60 events, Ron became ill and had wheelchair motivated his commemorations of the Normandy to stay in hospital for two weeks. improved rate of recovery Landings. He rallied with the thought that he In 2014, the family realised that Ron could use a wheelchair to attend the during and after hospital would need a wheelchair since he November remembrance events in rehabilitation. would struggle with the amount London. 12

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