Appendix D Health care professional interview Explain the purpose of the conversation is to understand the impacts of the Red Cross wheelchair loan service, and the background to the service (if required), plus discuss hypothetical examples of when a service user might need the wheelchair loan service, e.g. following an accident, to help recovery, to aid mobility, etc. and how long the service is generally used (they should already be fairly familiar). Explain interviews are anonymous, their personal details will not be shared and comments are non-attributed, and no personal details of any service users will be shared with them or discussed. The interview will be formed around example scenarios and their opinions on likely outcomes. 1. Please can you tell us briefly about your role in the care services? 2. In your experience, what are the most common or typical circumstances for needing a wheelchair loan? How do they find out about this? Especially seek to understand the types of health/care pathway or main entity involved, e.g. hospital, community nurse, GP, professional carer, etc. 3. What main benefits come about for service users from taking up a British Red Cross short-term wheelchair loan? Prompts if needed: > Medical need (e.g. returned from hospital after an operation and needed short-term loan – or chronic/ longer-term condition where they may have applied for long-term loan) > Expecting long-term loan from NHS but waiting for it come through > Wanting to take part in particular social events. Explore: > Impact on health and wellbeing > Mobility, access, isolation issues > If there is any reduced need for health or social care services involvement > Impact on family/social relationships. 4. Please could you comment about the impact of the wheelchair loan in the following example scenarios, as we appreciate every case is specific and individual: (Interviewee to select one or two of the following scenarios for general discussion) i. A child between the ages of 6 and 11 years needing a wheelchair to recover from a knee operation ii. A single father who has suffered a broken ankle but has sole responsibility for a vulnerable child with emotional and mental health issues iii. An elderly couple where either the husband or wife has had a hip operation, but live far from town or are rurally based. 40

Wheels in Motion July 2015 Page 47 Page 49